Fashion Check: Amber Heard's Fashion Sense Is Extended To The Court?
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For 6 years, the scandalous divorce between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp has not come to an end yet. The details that seemed only in the movie such as assault, fabrication, or even “dirty” in bed are now brought to life by Amber Heard and the person who has to bear this horror is Johnny Depp.
Recently, the case of both of them is hot again. In addition to the new details, people also pay attention to Amber Heard’s fashion sense and visuals every time she goes to court. As the most beautiful beauty in the world with a perfect face ratio of up to 91.85%, what is Amber Heard’s image on court?
Because going to court needs to be dignified and polite, Amber Heard mostly wears bold office outfits, favoring two basic black and white tones such as white shirt, blazer, discreet skirt…
Amber’s “aggression” has partly been shown quite clearly through the way she chooses black clothes, makeup, and hairdo.
Notably, every time she appeared in court, Amber Heard changed her hairstyle. Wearing a white shirt and tie with Gucci’s accessories (supposedly copying her ex-husband’s style), she wore her hair tied and curled, when she wore a black blazer with a personality collar, she surprised with the hairstyle.

4 times in court are 4 different hairstyles, 4 outfits are not the same as Amber Heard’s, it is true that the style must be followed to the end. However, to fit the “victim”, she often uses “shabby” makeup tones to look as debilitated as possible.
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